I have now reached 23 weeks 3 days ! with a few more weeks left in the second trimester baby Urquhart had his/her heart scan last week and we received the good news that the heart looks healthy and even checked the rhythm of babys heart which looks normal and the heart is beating at 151bpm we still didn't find out the babys sex as we both want the lovely surprise on the day they are born .. I think a girl .. dad keeps saying a boy so the guessing game continues, sadly for us on this day my husband received a phone call to say his granddad had become unwell and doctors didn't think he had long left, and on the 23rd of July he sadly passed away a day after his 87th birthday. Its the first time since been diagnosed I have had proper hurt and sadness and its the first time in awhile I have felt really unwell with my problems, even lying down with my heart I felt like it was double beating/ missing beats.. and the struggle of keeping it together for my husband and his family was difficult.
This Friday I also have the hospital to get a 24 hour ecg tape done again but this time a 12 lead one .. I was supposed to get it a few weeks ago but after traveling the long bus journey in the heat I got there to be told a patient hadn't handed it back so ended up with the 3 lead ... only to receive a phone call on Tuesday to say I have to come back for the 12 lead one, heres hoping tomorrow they have the 12 lead one and it wont be a waste of a journey, also my next scan is booked in 5 weeks time as my recent appointment with obstetrics went well but we have been told that taking beta blockers and being pregnant can prevent the baby from growing properly so we have a few growth scans booked were we will hopefully see our little miracle grow nicely.

my baby bump at 22 weeks 4 days
Sadly Doug's granddad passed away <3